Be an Orchestra Patron!

The Mighty Mustang Orchestra is better and stronger than ever! We have about 100 students in three orchestras. To provide our students with the best program possible, we are in need of your support. Your tax-deductible donations provide scholarships (for private lessons, annual fees, trips, instrument rentals, etc.), new instruments, new stands, clinics, recordings, and much more. Please consider becoming a sponsor for 2024-2025!


WHOLE NOTE             $25
*              Recognition in printed programs, website and social media

SONATA                          $50
*              Recognition in printed programs, website and social media
*              Reserved seating at concerts

CONCERTO                    $100
*              Recognition in printed programs, website and social media
*              Reserved seating at concerts
*              Free guest ticket to end-of-year banquet (1)

SYMPHONY                   $250+
*              Recognition in printed programs, website and social media
*              Reserved seating at concerts
*              Free guest ticket to end-of-year banquet (1)
*              Provide a $100 scholarship in your name

Sign up as a patron today!

Venmo: @PearceArea-OrchestraClub


 Pearce Area Orchestra Club (PAOC) is a tax-exempt organization operating under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3). A copy of this form will be mailed to you for your tax purposes. Thank you for your support

WHAT OUR NEEDS ARE:                                                             HOW MUCH THEY COST:

Full orchestra score for UIL                                                            $50 each (need 6)

String orchestra score for UIL and trip                                         $10 each (need 18)

Instrument rental scholarship/1 student                                     $100 (need 5)

Private lesson scholarship/year                                                    $240 (need 6)

Harp/piano part-writing costs                                                      $150 (need 4)

String editing (bowing/fingering by private teachers)             $150 (need 8)

Clinician fee                                                                                      $150 (need 4)

Staff development for director                                                       $200-500 (need 4)

Concert recording cost                                                                    $150 (need 4)

Spring Trip Scholarship                                                                  $100 (need 5)

Full orchestra piece                                                                         $150 each (need 2)

String orchestra piece                                                                      $50 each (need 10)

Stand lights for pit orchestra                                                          $20 each (need 20)